Neoanticide - a chemical cleanser for wines and musts
It is a dual remover of acidity chemically pure calcium carbonate (E170) in powder form. For food use, the use is limited. It must be used in accordance with the directions. It is used for the double decomposition of musts and wines with a total acid content of more than 12 g / l. The double decomposition with Neonaticide works according to the principle of almost complete disintegration of a partial quantity of the entire mass. After removal of the sediment, the partial mass of the mass is again admixed to the residue, which has not been dissolved. As a result, malic acid is eliminated, the proportion of tartaric acid is retained in the undeveloped part. This effect is very important for maintaining and achieving harmony between acids. To decompose 1 ‰ or 1 g / l of total acid, add 100 g of Neonaticide to 100 l of the mass to be dissolved. The necessary total amount of Neonaticide is moistened with a few musts or wines before use to form a test-like substance that is placed on the bottom of the barrel, tank or bathtub in which we will perform the removal of the acid.